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How to Create a Polished, Powerful Presence for Fall



Polish: Improve, refine or add the finishing touches to.

Power: Ability to act or produce an effect.

Presence: A noteworthy quality of poise and effectiveness.


Would you like to make a new start this fall with a polished, powerful presence? 


A polished, powerful presence rests on three pillars:

  • Appearance: How you look.

  • Attitude:  How you carry yourself: your conduct, body language, and attitude.

  • Actions: How you communicate, interact, and treat others.


I. Appearance


  • Your appearance remains one of the main factors that will encourage others to work with and for you. Your appearance is important, not only in first impressions, but also in ongoing interactions. It is the filter through which your talent and suitability will be evaluated. Package yourself for success!

  • You should look appropriate for your environment, and authentic to you. Appropriate business attire for professional industries consists of quality fabrics and conservative styling in subdued colors. For executive positions in fashion-related industries, quality fabrics are important, but there is more latitude with styling and color. Technology firms may be more casual in their dress than most industries, but there are nevertheless certain standards to be maintained.

  • You should always be well-groomed and fit. Just as important– if not more so-than being appropriately dressed– is being well-groomed, or polished. Impeccable hair, makeup, and nails, nice breath, clothes that are clean and pressed, shoes that are polished, etc. are a must. In fact, in a recent survey of senior leaders in the U.S., more than a third considered polish and grooming vital to a man or woman making a good impression. And today, more emphasis is being placed on being and looking fit for a job. The workplace is more stressful than ever. Exercising and eating right will help you meet the demands of your job, as well as add significantly to the impression you make on others.                                            


II. Attitude: Conduct/Body Language                                                           


  • You confirm or contradict your powerful image by using behavioral tools such as posture, engaging eye contact, a strong handshake, and a ready smile. Nonverbal cues such as stance, head movements, facial expressions, and gestures clarify out message.

  • The entrance you make, your eye contact, the way you shake hands, your posture, the way you introduce yourself and others, your people skills, and your business attire and accessories are all broadcasting plenty about you. Your attitude signals to others how you feel about yourself, the situation, and them.

  • The rules for work are changing. You will be judged by a new yardstick, not just how smart you are, or by your training and expertise, but how well you handle yourself and others. According to research by Harvard University, The Carnegie Foundation, and The Stanford Research Institute, 85 percent of your success in getting a job, keeping a job, and moving up in an organization is connected to your people skills, or soft skills. Fifteen percent is based upon your technical skills or knowledge.

  • Avoid behaviors and habits that detract from making a good impression: smoking, chewing gum, biting fingernails, tugging at hair, rolling your eyes, tugging at your clothes, talking loudly in public, etc.


III. Actions:  How You Communicate, Interact and Treat Others 


  • Every verbal encounter in the real world, as well as the virtual one, is a vital opportunity to create and nurture a positive impression. Your communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal, are what ultimately win you the attention and mindshare of colleagues, clients, and friends

  • People like people who are interested in them and the world around them–not just themselves. By showing interest in others and the world around you, it shows that you are not self-absorbed, which will help you create positive impressions wherever you go. And the more well-informed you are, the more likely it is you will be able to make  small talk with whomever you come into contact.

  • Get people to talk about themselves. People like people who find them interesting. In fact, showing genuine interest is the easiest and most powerful way to make a good impression. Find out about their company. What are their interests? Find out anything that can be helpful in establishing rapport, since it is the first step in forming relationships with others.                                          

  • Show others you have similar attitudes. If you want to be favorably received, show others where you have similar attitudes. See where you agree rather than disagree.

  • Learn when to talk and when to listen. What you do after you ask a question can reveal even more about you than the questions you ask. You reveal your true level of interest in the way you listen. Listen without interrupting or finishing others’ sentences, and direct your physical energy toward them—looking, leaning, and nonverbally responding to them.

  • Be courteous. Good manners will be noticed and approved of, just as poor manners will work against you. In short, in the business world as well as elsewhere, good manners and consideration for others are timeless and those who recognize that will find themselves not only sought after and promoted, but more importantly, at ease in any social or business situation.


The Etiquette School of New York wishes you a polished, exciting, and successful fall!


By: Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick











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