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Holiday Airplane Travel: 15 Mindful Manners Tips for Enjoyable Trips


                              Holiday Airplane Travel:

                15 Mindful Manners Tips for Enjoyable Trips


            “Fine manners need the support of fine manners in others.”

                                  -Ralph Waldo Emerson 


1. When you board the airplane with a carry-on bag, start by holding your carry-on or shoulder bag in front of you, not at your side as you walk down the aisle.

2.When you reach your seat, quickly put one bag in the overhead bin above your seat or one nearby. Be careful not to squash other people’s belongings.

3. If you see someone who is having trouble lifting a suitcase, offer to help if you are able to do so.

4. If you have an aisle seat, keep your elbow and foot/shoe from protruding into the aisle.

5. If you are taking a long-distance flight, you will probably want to take your shoes off. Some airlines give you socks to wear. If not, be sure to take a fresh pair with you, or take a pair of slippers with you, since you do not want to offend anyone.

6. Never put your feet on the arm of the seat in front of you or on the back of the seat. It is extremely inconsiderate.

7. If the person in the aisle is sleeping and you need to get out of your row, softly say, “Excuse me,” and if necessary, tap him lightly on the arm. It’s okay to wake someone up if you do it gently. This also applies to someone who falls asleep on your shoulder.

8. Keep any work materials you are using from overflowing into your seatmate’s space; and avoid trying to surreptitiously read the worksheets or laptop screen of the person beside you.

9. If your seatmate is reading, working, or has his eyes closed, he doesn’t want to talk. Do not try to engage him in conversation. If your seatmate would like to chat, but you would not, smile and answer a few questions with a yes or no. If that doesn’t work, be direct but polite. “It’s been nice chatting with you. I’m going to use this time to read/work/sleep. Thanks for understanding.

10. Keep noise to a minimum, whether talking with a passenger or reading a book to a child. If you or your child plays a video game or watches a movie on a laptop, use the headset or your earbuds. Your neighbor shouldn’t be able to hear it.

11. Do your best to keep your children in their seats, rather than running up and down the aisle. It is not only disruptive to the other passengers and airplane service, it is also unsafe.

12. Avoid staying too long in the lavatory; and leave the space neat and clean

13. Try not to block the view of those who are watching the movie or other entertainment. If you must stand to retrieve something from the overhead bin, be as quick as possible.

14. It is your right to recline your seat, but it is considerate to recline your seat only partway or to turn around and ask the passenger behind you if he minds if you recline all the way.

15. Always be polite to the attendants on the plane, saying “Please,” and “Thank-You” when appropriate. 



 By: Patricia Napier-Fitzpatrick

        December 2018

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